Small Actions Can Have Big Results

This month at Batts’ Technology, we've been thinking about how easily small oversights in network cabling, wireless networking, business telephony, and even security cameras can become big problems. These minor issues can lead to significant performance issues, downtime, or security breaches.

However, these problems can be easily managed with the right experience and attention to detail. Let’s explore some common examples.

Patch Cable Loopbacks and Messy Racks

Imagine needing to quickly diagnose a network problem, but your rack is a jungle of tangled cords. A messy rack wastes valuable time, increases the risk of accidental disconnections and makes it challenging to trace cables. A well-organized rack with clearly labeled and neatly routed cables promotes efficient airflow, easy access, and quick identification of components, saving time and minimizing downtime.

➡️ Why does this happen?  It just happens. Over time, network cables can become tangled or looped around unnecessarily in network racks. If your patch panels have come to resemble a tumbleweed, tracing cables and identifying loopback issues becomes a nightmare. A loopback can wreak havoc on the network, causing disruptions and downtime.

➡️ A simple fix: Implement proper cable management and routing, ensuring patch panels are organized and labeled. Regularly inspect for and eliminate loopbacks to prevent network disruptions. This simple activity saves time, minimizes downtime, and enhances overall network performance.

No Backups of Your Phone System Programming

Phone systems are often treated as a “set-it-and-forget-it” technology. But what happens if your system suddenly fails? Without a backup of your phone system programming, restoring service can take hours or even days, meaning missed calls, lost sales opportunities, or communication breakdowns.

➡️ Why does this happen? Over time, your phone system configuration gets tailored to your business’s unique needs. When disaster strikes, a lack of a backup means starting from scratch.

➡️ A simple fix: Maintaining an up-to-date backup of your phone system ensures that you can restore services quickly with minimal disruption, saving you significant losses in productivity, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Eliminate Unused Voicemail Boxes

Many businesses create voicemail boxes for employees who have left or for departments that no longer use them. However, if these voicemail boxes have default or weak passwords, they become a prime target for hackers.

➡️ What happens? Hackers can exploit unused voicemail boxes to make expensive international calls or access sensitive information, leading to major financial losses or a security breach.

➡️ A simple fix: Regularly audit your voicemail systems to remove unused boxes and enforce strong password policies. This eliminates an easy point of entry for cybercriminals, protecting your phone system and business.

Allowing Non-Company Devices on the Wi-Fi

Many companies have open Wi-Fi policies. While this might seem convenient, allowing non-company devices on your main business Wi-Fi network can lead to serious security vulnerabilities.

➡️ What happens? These devices might be infected with malware or lack proper security settings, allowing hackers direct access to your company’s sensitive data.

➡️ A simple fix: implement a guest-only Wi-Fi network for any devices not managed by your IT team. This ensures that your main business network remains secure while still providing connectivity for guests or temporary users, protecting your business from potential security breaches.

Pay Attention to the Small Things

These examples illustrate how small oversights can snowball into more significant issues, impacting productivity, security, and efficiency. At Batts' Technology, our attention to detail, grounded in years of experience, allows us to deliver the kind of reliable performance and security businesses need to thrive.

We hope we’ve left you with a renewed appreciation for the small things in your tech infrastructure and the attention to detail we bring to every project.

As always, call us if you’d like to learn more or if we can help in any way.


Cable Pathways: The Unsung Heroes of Your Business’s Digital Technology